Gut Health

What is Gut Health?

The health of our gut impacts every aspect of our bodies. Our gut digests food, absorbs nutrients, eliminates toxins, fights pathogens.

The efficiency and function of the gut depends on the microbiome – about 100 trillion microbes that live in our intestines and regulate many of our bodily functions. They manage inflammation, produce neurotransmitters and control our immune system, brain function, hormones, metabolism, and weight.

The gut also connects directly with the brain through the gut-brain axis, linking cognitive and emotional centers of the brain with intestinal function. Our gut microbiome is critical to our long-term health.

Meanwhile in recent time, modern living and lifestyle choices have been detrimental to our microbiome.  

The standard western diet is lacking in fiber and prebiotics that would nurture our microbiome. Our soils and our food are depleted of vitamins and nutrients, and a diet high in sugar and starch feeds the wrong bacteria.

On top of that, chemicals from processed food and the environment damage our gut.

This leads to too few microbes in our microbiome or an overgrowth of the bad bacteria which then creates low grade inflammation, leaky gut and other intestinal disorders

If we nurture our microbiome, we support whole-body health and fight chronic disease.

The treatment of all chronic health conditions should start with evaluation and treatment of our gut – a healthy gut fights inflammation and creates a healthy brain, hormones, and over-all wellbeing!

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