Bioidentical Hormones


What are Bioidential Hormones?

Balance your hormones and thrive.

Bioidentical, or isomolecular hormones, are made from plants such as yams. Their molecular structure is identical to the hormones our bodies produce, so that they are recognized by the receptors in our tissues just as our own hormones. They are made-to-order by compounding pharmacies, and the prescription is tailored to the individual’s needs. 

As we age, hormone production declines in women and men alike, including estrogens, progesterone, DHEA, testosterone, thyroid hormone, growth hormone, melatonin, and others.

With the loss of our hormones, the cells in our brain, bones, muscles, blood vessels, skin and other organs lose stimulation at their receptors and start to degenerate which results in the development of symptoms and chronic diseases.


For women, this process is called perimenopause and the decline starts in their mid-thirties though most women do not experience significant symptoms until they reach their mid-forties or later, when many start noticing varying degrees of:

  • increased fatigue

  • insomnia

  • mood swings, depression, and anxiety

  • brain fog

  • weight gain

  • thinning and sagging skin

  • hot flashes

  • loss of libido

  • vaginal dryness

  • recurrent UTIs

The complete cessation of menstrual periods, menopause, sets in around 50 when the female body stops producing any significant amounts of estrogen and progesterone.


In men, andropause and the decline of testosterone starts around age 40 and presents with:

  • mood swings, depression and anxiety

  • lack of energy

  • loss of memory

  • male pattern hair loss

  • loss of muscle mass and strength

  • weight gain and fat redistribution to belly and “man boobs”

  • erectile dysfunction

  • insomnia

Why Bioidentical Hormone Replacement?

Just as we correct deficiencies in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, we should consider correcting deficiencies in hormones to reduce associated symptoms of peri/meno- and andropause, to help maintain our quality of life and achieve optimal health.

Bioidentical hormones have become very popular among women and men who do not want to suffer through middle-age, and most feel significant improvements in mental and physical health within just a few weeks.

Bioidentical hormones are safe to take and protect our brain, bones, muscles, blood vessels, and skin.

Studies have shown protective effects against cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and mental decline as well as several types of cancer. As they are identical to our own hormones, they do not cause any side effects as long as they are dosed correctly and taken as prescribed.

In contrast, synthetic hormones have a different molecular structure to our own hormones so that pharma companies can patent them and make money. These altered molecular structures are not recognized by our bodies and causing a myriad of problems including increased risk for heart disease, emboli, and cancer.

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